Friday, February 5, 2010


so, tonight was the first night for our show, "we're dancing"!!! anddddd.... it was a success! God definitely gets the glory, because if he wasn't there, i DO. NOT. KNOW. how it would've come together. my twin, amanda, & i choreographed two dances and helped choreograph one. in total i was in 6 dances. i definitely have bittersweet feelings on this right now because i'm happy the show is finally here, but i am going to miss seeing the girlies every week. :/ anywhooooo, thank you lord for your strength, peace, love, & faithfullness! now, i am washing up and going to get some sleep for tomorrow's TWO [2] performances {one in the afternoon @ 2, and the other @8pm}.

may the ALMIGHTY Lord bless you this night!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

YAY!!! I knew you'd be brilliant, because I trusted Him to make it so <3